Tag Archive | carlos-alfredo-m

To the PARK!

Last week we piled (seriously!) all the kids into the Mak truck and took them to a park in MonteLlano. Here are a few (or a lot) of photos of the trip:

Piled in with Profe Lorena

In the back of the truck with Johan

Racing up the stairs to the slide!

Bienvenido sliding down

Marileidi, Gustavo and Davidson


Profe Ashley and Anne spinning the kids around

The kids spinning themselves

Wili and David pushing Nicol Cristal and others

Profe Cristina

Ariela and Wilsenci

Such determination

Yuneci sliding

Again Wilsenci with a look of determination

Gustavo with Escarlet

Leury with the See-Saw

Bianca Nicol



Carlos Alfredo pushing Andy and others

Ariela and Nicol Cristal

Ana Wendy



They had such a great time that we’re thinking about making it a regular event at Colegio Makarios!

Literacy Camp


Last week was the kick off for our new summer school program.  With groups coming every other week throughout the summer we decided to have groups focus specifically on projects for the new school and bible camps for the local kids.  However, when groups are not here we decided to hold a literacy camp.  Anne and the teaching staff developed the camp program to keep the kids’ minds active and engaged during summer months by providing fun ways to learn.  Our school kids have been broken up into five different teams to participate in the program.  Our teams are the Manos Moradas (purple hands), Monos Mamey (orange monkeys), Ratones Rojos (red rats) Aviones Amarillos (yellow airplanes) and the Vacas Verdes (green cows).  The camp consists of numerous stations that the kids go to to learn letters.  The stations are creatively themed and include such activities as: arts and crafts, music and movement, oral and tactile games and outdoor play.   We have already seen improvements in many of the kids and everyone (including staff) are having a great time.  The best part about the camp is that we have the opportunity to include the Bible into their activities; one station is focused specifically on bible stories.  Each kid is also learning lessons in responsibility and respect.  Each team earns their school uniforms for next year by successful listening, sharing and displaying good effort.  We can’t wait to see the impact this summer has on years to come.

A December trip to the beach

It’s been awhile since I last did a blog. I took a break over Christmas, but now I’m back and have some updating to do.

On December 11th, the last day of class, we took our preschoolers to the beach. It was a Christmas present from Anne’s mom and the kids LOVED it! Here are some pictures from our trip:

It was a perfectly sunny day

and we piled the kids into a guagua (15 passenger van), headed for Long Beach in Puerto Plata.

Once we got there we sat all the kids down to explain the rules and do one last head count.

Then the clothes came off (except the underwear, of course!) and we headed for the beach!

There was much rolling in the sand…

and playing in the water!

After about an hour and a half we washed the kids off as best we could and brought them away from the shore for lunch. Thanks to the Westlake Bible Church’s men’s group, we had plenty of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They got an apple (a real treat here), a juice box, a sandwich, grapes (another treat) and some cookies.

The kids loved our trip to the beach and have been asking daily when we are going back! Thanks, Sherry!!

hearty party

1)  Say, “Feliz Navidad”  on a card.

2)  Make a Christmas cookie.

3)  Have some rice and beans… duh.

I give it two thumbs up.

But don’t forget the “Santi” hats.

Hope you had a merry Dominican Christmas!

merry christmas!

here’s our christmas card photo – SO cute.  thanks to ashley for taking the pictures and shallan for making the letters!  (and I’m sure everyone else for getting the kids to cooperate!)